
PRSA Summer Social

Looking to reconnect with fellow PRSA members? Join us on Wednesday, June 23 at Estabrook Beer Garden for networking and socializing. See old faces and meet new people in the area. It’s free, but let us know if you plan on attending.

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Podcasting as Content Marketing: How Brands Can Generate Leads by Telling a Story (and Telling It Well)

Podcasting presents a powerful tool for engaging an audience and telling compelling stories. And, for brands willing to invest in the time and expertise to do it right, this increasingly popular medium opens up a world of possibilities for building upper funnel brand awareness, engaging an existing customer audience, and demonstrating industry thought leadership. Podcamp… Read more »

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2021 Paragon Awards – Online Payment

The PRSA Southeastern Wisconsin Chapter’s annual Paragon Awards recognize the exceptional practice of public relations professionals throughout Southeastern Wisconsin. For complete entry details, please click here. The cost per entry is $55 for PRSA Southeastern Wisconsin Chapter members and $95 for non-chapter members. If you’re unsure of your current chapter membership status, please double check… Read more »

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Diversifying Your Circle: A New Look at Mentorship

Description Mentorship takes many forms and creates connections between many diverse individuals. The PRSA SE WI Diversity & Inclusion Committee would like to explore some of these unique professional relationships providing a different look and new perspectives on what mentorship can be. Mentors and mentees from professional organizations, diverse groups, and even informal connections will… Read more »

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Crisis Proofing Your Organization (and Your Career)

  Join “America’s Crisis Guru,” James Lukaszewski, APR, Fellow PRSA, for a virtual program. Jim draws on 40+ years in crisis management, providing sensibly and powerfully talk about the imperative of readiness for adversity, as opposed to crisis management.   What’s in this course for you? Learn a far simpler and more powerful definition of… Read more »

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Celebrating Arts in Milwaukee

We invite Imagine MKE Director of Marketing and PR Lindsay Sheridan to lead us in a gathering focused on inspiration and connection – and on reflecting on the arts in Milwaukee. We’ll start with hearing from performer, dancer, and photographer Mauriah Donegan Kraker, who will lead participants through a series of movement practices. Then, we’ll… Read more »

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The Upside of Downturn: Unlocking the Hidden Benefits of Crisis

Generations of communications professionals have been taught to tackle the downside risks of crisis, but few understand how to reconfigure and harness ever-growing challenges for short- and long-term gain. Known for his disruptive and pace-setting public relations practices, Mike McDougall, APR, Fellow PRSA, will help webinar participants see the hidden organizational upside that crises unlock… Read more »

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Master the Virtual Presentation

This engaging program will arm you with strategies for combating Zoom fatigue and overcoming the distractions and disruptions that we and our audiences face in the Work From Home (WFH) world. Click here for more information or to register.

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Pivoting Communications Tourism in 2020

Wisconsin had a record year for tourism in 2019 with $22.2 billion in total tourism business sales. Wisconsin’s 113 million visitors alone spent $13.7 billion, supporting more than 202,000 full- and part-time jobs. Plans to build upon that success were dashed with the arrival of COVID, devastating the state’s third largest industry. On Wednesday, December… Read more »

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