
Building a Realistic Crisis Communications Plan

Join us Friday, July 31 from noon-1 pm to hear from local PRSA chapter members and communications experts as they discuss the importance of building a realistic crisis communications plan. You never know when a crisis can strike. It comes when you least expect it, and every organization is vulnerable. Even though preparing for the… Read more »

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Planning Safe and Successful Events

Most public relations professionals have to plan meetings and events at some point, whether they are formal board meetings or casual happy hours; big multi-day conventions or small committee meetings; international conferences or gatherings in the room next door. Meetings of all kinds are fundamental to business, and it’s important to understand the basics of… Read more »

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Screen to Screen Selling: Ways to Engage New Clients

Now that everyone and their Mom is using Zoom for meetings, you need to find a NEW way to stand out from the competition, unless you like showing up like everyone else. If you are leading your organization, a meeting, or a presentation that calls participants to take action, this webinar is for you! For… Read more »

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Reaching Multicultural Audiences

Are you successfully reaching out to multicultural audiences? Communicating with diverse groups is about more than just adding a timely message a few times a year; it’s about connecting with the communities you serve to create positive long-term relationships. This session will cover tips on what to do and what to avoid when communicating across… Read more »

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Building an Online Community for your Brand

One of the most powerful ways to build long-term relationships with your stakeholders is through online communities. Learn how to effectively work with influencers and advocates for your brand to drive measurable results. Valued at $200, but as a PRSA member, you get access for FREE. For more information or to register click here.

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Why Ethics Matter: It’s More Than Doing The Right Thing!

Public Relations professionals have a unique position of being at the intersection of our organizations or clients, audiences, media and other stakeholders. It is a position that requires us to meticulously think through the lens of how ‘what we do’ impacts each component.  Additionally, it carries the added responsibility of being the chief consciousness officer… Read more »

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Lift Ideas Off the Screen

In this webinar, you’ll learn how to use your display copy — headlines, decks and subheads, for instance — to pull readers into your copy, make your piece more inviting and even communicate to flippers and skimmers. Valued at $200, but as a PRSA member, you get access for FREE. For more information or to… Read more »

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